Use our quick, no-obligation calculator* to estimate the savings you could achieve by using the VendorPanel Source-to-Contract procurement platform.
Users of VendorPanel save:
9.74% on RFxs | 2.15% on public tenders | 4.5 hours per RFx
Cost Savings Calculator
Savings results calculated using statistics from an independently audited case study, survey of VendorPanel users and aggregated data from thousands of VendorPanel transactions. Administrative savings based on the assumed cost of $40 an hour. This calculator is provided for informational purposes only. Results are indicative and based in part on client experiences, surveys, and industry data. Actual results may vary depending on your specific circumstances, data entered, and other factors. Your use of the Cost Savings Calculator is at your sole risk. VendorPanel disclaims any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, correctness, or completeness of any calculations provided.